Central New York Genealogical Society
Central New York Genealogical Society Image: Felix Salm Salm

Capital District Genealogical Society

The Capital District Genealogical Society invitees archivists, town and family historians, and biographical authors within your readership to join our July program.

Topic: How to Read Old Handwriting (followed by a Q and A session)

When: Sat., July 27, 2024 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM (doors open at 12:15 PM)

Where: Clifton Park-Halfmoon Library, 2nd floor, and on Zoom

Audience: Town and Family Historians, Librarians, Archivists, Authors, Professors, and CDGS members

Speaker: Lisa Lisson, speaker, author, and online media presence shares her techniques to add depth and help grow family trees without the researcher feeling overwhelmed. Ms. Lusson is the expert host of Are You My Cousin? - a website designed to support family historians in their quest for answers. Additionally, she also shares how-to-research-tutorials via YouTube videos, genealogical articles, and during her many international speaking engagements. Her latest book, 100 Questions for Grandma, was published by Callisto Media. 

Presentation: Ever struggle to read old historical documents? Ms. Lisson will offer invaluable insights and practical strategies to decipher old family records. Her techniques will open doors and connect the reader to hidden family stories in ways not thought possible. The seminar will cover the evolution of handwriting styles and the use of innovative techniques to enhance legibility. With the skills learned one will have the enhanced confidence needed to uncover the hidden details in family documents and forge deeper connections with one's roots. 

To register: Sign up on the capitaldistrictgenealogicalsociety.org website by following the prompts, Attendance is open to members of the CDGS and after 7/15 to the public. A maximum of 100 attendees will be permitted to participate over Zoom. The library meeting room accommodates 110. Come join our monthly seminars. We'd love to hear your stories and help break down your family history brick walls!


All publications, with the exception of 5 decades on flash drive, are now only available DIGITALLY.
Please make sure you have included a valid email address on your order.
A volunteer will send an email with links to the CNYGS DropBox account.
Click on the link and download the publication to your hard drive.

Links to Even More Free Webinars

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Links to More Free Webinars

Southern California Genealogical Society 2021 jamboree free webinar extension series
Appleton, Wisconsin Library Presents a FREE "Find Your Ancestors" Webinar Series
Legacy Family Tree Webinars -Monthly live webinars in 2021 - especially for Canadian genealogist!
Legacy Family Tree Webinars - Monthly Webinar Wednesdays, Live at noon AEDT!!!
The Down Under Series -- Australia and New Zealand
The United Kingdom National Archives Online Events Calendar

Links to free genealogy webinars

A link to the Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Soceity Programs and Events
A link to the January 2021 list of library classes presented by Family Search
A link to a free webinar from Legacy Family Tree on researching Scandinavian ancestors
A link to hundreds of classes offered by the Family Search Learning Center