Central New York Genealogical Society
Central New York Genealogical Society Image: Henry Thomas Wilcox
Donate to CNYGS

How to make a donation to CNYGS
CNYGS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so your gift may qualify as a charitable deduction for income tax purposes. You have the option of making an anonymous donation if you wish. You can also dedicate your contribution to someone - an ancestor, or perhaps someone who introduced you to genealogy. We will not share your name or email with any other organization seeking donations.
To make a donation and support us in our efforts, you may:
  • Bring a donation in person to one of our meetings.
  • Mail a check, payable to CNYGS to: Central New York Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 104, Colvin Station, Syracuse, NY 13205-0104.
  • To make a donation online with by credit card or PayPal, fill out the form below and click on the SUBMIT DONATION button.
           The  SUBMIT DONATION button takes you to the next screen where you can verify that your information
           is correct.
           Once verified click on the check box at the bottom of the screen, and a code will appear.
           Enter the code in the box provided and click on the CONFIRM & PAY WITH PAYPAL button.
           This does not mean that you must use a PayPal account -- scroll down to enter your credit card
           Follow the additional instructions to complete your payment.
           The minimum amount for an online donation is $10.00.
Place a Donation:
First Name: Required
Last Name: Required
Email Address: Required
Phone: Required, formatted as (000) 000-0000
Donation Amount (USD):   Required, $5.00 Minimum Donation, Format as 123.45
Donation Type:

I would like to make this donation anonymously. Please do not publish my name.
Donor Comments:

Address: Required
Address 2:
City: Required
State / Province: Required
Postal Code: Required